When you are working as a locum, no two days are the same, so keeping track of your finances can be a challenge. Medic Accountants’ experience ensures you stay on top of your income and tax obligations.
Focused on providing specialist service as doctor’s accountants, Medic Accountants have the experience and knowledge to guide locums in managing their accounts to maximise income. Our skills allow you to make the most of your time whenever you are working.
As a locum you are essentially running a business, whether you are self-employed or operate as a registered company. We can help you deal with tax and statutory requirements, as well as preparing your annual accounts and tax returns so that you can focus on generating income.
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Physical Address:
Level 1, 199, Lincoln Road
Henderson, Auckland 0610
New Zealand
Postal Address:
PO Box 104158, Lincoln North
Henderson, Auckland
New Zealand
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